Letter from my 2030 self


One of the ways I’ve been reassessing my priorities and setting the foundation in the new year (and decade) is a letter from future 2030 me to current January 2020 me. 

I needed to have these reminders and thought you may benefit from them as well.

As always, take what you need and leave the rest. 

Hi friend,

I’d love for you to know the following things as you embark on this decade:

• You are loved and you belong. 

• You are doing amazing and you will surprise yourself over the next ten years. You do not need to be overwhelmed to do this. You can feel easeful and accomplished at the same time. 

• You benefit from flowing with nature and your own energy. Find gentle movements to start and end your day. Breath often. Care for your space so it is a place of creativity, not anxiety. You know what your body needs. Nourish it.

• Take time to reflect and connect with others. Show up when it matters. Take the initiative to make plans. Take advantage of opportunities. 

• Resolve your inner desire for completion and tie up loose ends because open loops drain your energy. Don’t wait for others to do this, do it for yourself.

• I’d love you to release the beliefs that limit you. Let go of self sabotage while creating the structures and foundations that give you the discipline to see plans through. You’ve been working towards this your whole life.

• I want you to know that your belief that you are destined for more is valid. You will get there with time. There is no need to rush it. All is well.

• When you have those breakthroughs and new ways of thinking, put them into action.

• Use your intuition to guide you. This is a skill that will grow. And it doesn’t have to be done a certain way.

• You are strong. You will get stronger in the next ten years. At the same time, you will also soften.

• You are going to have to stretch and take risks to grow. 

• You are loved. You belong.

Sarah Lyman