I can’t believe I’m back here, again.
Where’s here? Dealing with an issue that I thought was resolved. That thing in my life that seems fine for weeks or months and then is suddenly out of control and impacting all the other areas of my life.
For me right now, that issue is my health. My skin is grim. My digestive health is off. I’m experiencing brain fog daily.
I share this with you for two reasons: First, if you have something in your life that is still an issue that pops up, even though you’ve dealt with it multiple times, you are not alone. Believe me, I know how frustrating it is. Second, let’s learn from this experience together.
To learn, I’ve been asking myself lots of questions today: How did it get this bad? How did it happen so quickly? Why would this happen, knowing all that I know about my own health from years of trying to understand and improve it?
Here’s the thing, while this change feels “sudden”, it is not. I stopped noticing the signals coming from my body months ago. Both the ones telling me I was doing things right, and the ones telling me to make a different choice next time.
I’ve had several seemingly inconsequential symptoms coming up for months now. Each one, on its own, didn't seem to really have too much of an impact on my life, so I decided to not think about them.
Yet, when I think about all the little issues together and how they escalated over time, I realized that those “insignificant” issues are actually having a big impact on my life. Those symptoms were there to help me, but I was ignoring them.
When I stop listening to what my body is telling me or when I'm so distracted I don't even notice the signals, that's when I stop doing what's best for me. I listen to others or choose what is easy.
The most important questions are: What am I doing to remedy this? What can I do so this doesn’t happen again?
Listen to the information my body is sending me, instead of ignoring it. <- This is the most important above all!
Actually remember and implement what I know. I’m taking notes as I heal so that I can refer back to them in the future.While I hope my current process will decrease my chances of experiencing these issues again, I know that I may find myself back here again. I’ll be ready to change things earlier.
Seek the help of a professional. Someone who is more knowledgeable in the area of health than I am, and that can hold me accountable. (Accountability is essential right now!)
Be kind and understanding of myself. Especially about the repeating nature of these issues, because I can’t heal and fix things if I’m beating myself up about them.
Do you ever find yourself dealing with an issue that you thought you were done with? Do you have any tips?